Simple OS and Application Management 2 1

Posted by JD 10/16/2009 at 15:36

In my previous entry Easy Software Updates and Patches, I explained how FANTASTIC Linux and apt-get are at maintaining system, configuration and application files. Maintaining with the latest version, automatic updates or completely manually controlled.

I think the scope of this coverage and excellence was lost on a few readers. So, let’s use some exact numbers to make the point. All data will come from my personal, currently running desktop Ubuntu system – Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS, kernel 2.6.24-24-generic

Total Number of Available Packages: 25,221 <— these are all free packages for this OS

Total Number of Installed Packages: 1291 <— these are installed. OpenOffice, Apache, Firefox, Thunderbird, Pidgin, VLC, FreeMind, Notebook+ …. and over 1200 others. All free. Most are GPL licensed.

Total Broken: 0

Total to Install/Upgrade: 0 <—- usually about 1-10 packages are updated weekly. 1 click to get the list, 1 more click to upgrade them all. I could setup completely automatic updates, if I wanted.

Total Used Disk Space: 5.5GB used. <— At installation, I gave it a 10GB disk about a year ago

Don’t miss this part

25,221 applications, all free, most are GPL, GNU Public Licensed.

Isn’t this worth checking into? The price is … er…. free.


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  1. JD 01/19/2010 at 11:54