Tip Your Server, Please

Ubuntu Server Install and 1st 5 Minutes


http://blog.jdpfu.com - jdp [at] algoloma


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About Me

Linux Server Overview

These are all different services - should be on different installations.
Not just a UNIX best practice - Windows too.

All-in-One Servers

Against Security Best Practices



Backup Plan or DR Plan?

Storage Considerations

Network Considerations

CPU Considerations

RAM Considerations

Installation for Tonight

Do Install

Installing Ubuntu Server 14.04.1

1st Five Minutes on Server

Methods / System / Documentation

My Script


Static IP / Network Settings

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
  dns-search jdpfu.com jdp.foo

My Script - Automatic

open the file ~/.ansible/.../ubusrv.yml

Playbook - 1

Playbook - 2

Playbook - 3

Base Packages?

* acpid – so a client VM can receive shutdown requests from the host VM server
* openssh-server – never forget this. Might be running on a console.
* fail2ban – dynamically block any failed ssh attacks. I can’t think of any reason NOT to have this on every box.
* iptables-persistent – no need to manually save/restore iptable rules
* postfix – system emails need an MTA to get forwarded to a real email address; only sends email, does NOT receive from outside the machine/VM
* aptitude – aptitude is smarter about package dependencies than apt-get.
* sysstat – performance capture tools
* ethtool – want jumbo frames and expanded network settings control?
* rsync – duh. MANDATORY
* rdiff-backup – backup tool of choice
* mlocate – locate is instantaneous.
* logwatch – daily reports of server activity (emailed, so MTA needed)
* lshw – create daily system hardware configs, compare today to yesterday and highlight any changes
* ntp – Keeping accurate time is a security consideration. Also, when troubleshooting complex client/server systems, having all the timestamps on logfiles match to the 0.001 sec makes finding root causes much easier
* tree – nice directory tree visualization – find . -type d replacement
* heirloom-mailx – provides a CLI mail program
* software-properties-common – PPA helper


Manual Steps

Not automated yet ...

Server is Ready for Internal Apps

Definitely NOT ready for the Internet!

That's all there is to bringing up a server.
Next steps are determined by your needs.


  1. Have a plan / script / paper / DevOps
  2. Follow it
  3. Improve it every time
  4. Consistency is critical
  5. Don't Confuse HA, Disaster Recovery and Backups




Please send feedback!
Thank you.
[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]