Best Articles Here on Technology, Finance, Investing

Posted by JD 03/04/2010 at 15:07

Over the years, I’ve been using this blog to help myself remember how to do things and to share some great tools and techniques with you. I figure it is time to recap some of those articles whether they are computer, financial/retirement, or just interesting things.

The titles aren’t always useful in knowing what the article is concerning. Sorry.

Computers, Scripting and Tools

Retirement and Investing

Just Plain Interesting

There are other good articles, but they are within the last 3 months, so I didn’t include them here. To get a list of all articles in any month, use format


I use the categories and tags religiously to link similar subjects. Just click on them if you have a specific interest. For example, I was very careful about tagging the travel blog entries correctly.

I hope a few of these old articles are useful to someone.


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